TLaWC is excited to announce that the Nyagaroon Project has been given state project status under Clause 52.30 (State projects) of the Murrindindi Planning Scheme. For further information, please click here.
The plan is to develop Nyagaroon into a culturally safe and inclusive space that celebrates Taungurung culture and traditions. This includes the construction of a multipurpose community space overlooking the Acheron River and Cathedral Ranges, which will support the coming together of Taungurung Elders and community members to share their perspectives, experiences, and objectives for Country and Community.
The Taungurung Land and Waters Council (TLaWC) is excited to announce the formal transfer of the Nyagaroon property from the Victorian Government to the Taungurung people.
Nyagaroon – the Taungurung name for the Acheron – is part of the former Mohican Run and most recently operated as the Acheron Youth Camp. The location sits on more than 100 hectares of Taungurung Country.
TLaWC CEO Matt Burns is delighted that the Taungurung people will now have the land rightfully returned, following all the work by the community to reclaim a place that saw the harsh impacts of colonisation.
‘The Taungurung Community has been advocating for the Nyagaroon land transfer for many years, because this place holds a deep and sad history for the Taungurung people.’
‘This is now an opportunity to create a welcoming, positive space for Taungurung people and future generations, connecting with the Country of our Ancestors.’
A group of TLaWC Board members and staff visited the property in the TLaWC bus to assess the grounds, yarn about the significance of the transfer, and discuss the future for the site.
An event will be held in 2023 to commemorate this important moment in Taungurung history.
Special thanks to the Department of Justice and Community Safety (DJCS) for their tenacity and commitment to ensure land justice was achieved for the Taungurung people.