Traditional Taungurung made many objects for hunting, fishing, shelter, battle and clothing. Many were made from materials that have degraded and disappeared over time, but in some cases the skills have been handed down through family lines and are still utilised today.
Wangnarra (Stringybark) was used to construct Yilam (shelters) or to weave Benak (baskets). Fibrous plants, such as Buarth (tussock grass) produced Burrt-tean (twine) for Garrt-girrk (nets) while other tree species were utilised for their timber to fashion Malgarr (shields), Gudjerrun (clubs), Wangim (boomerangs), Darnuk (water carriers) and Gurrong (canoes).
Reminders of these Taungurung traditional practices can still be seen throughout country today. The trees, often referred to as scar trees or canoe trees, show the cutaway or ‘scar’ where Taungurung ancestors carved the tree, long ago. Many of these trees have been found across Taungurung country. Below is an example of a scar tree in the Yea district.
Stone and wooden artefacts are still found today on Taungurung country. You can read about different artefacts that have been found on Taungurung country at the Artefact of the Month feature on our website.
If you think you may have found a Taungurung artefact please contact us.