Cultural Land Management
News and Projects
The Taungurung Land and Waters Council has undertaken a rapid biocultural values assessment of forests in the Central Highlands area of Taungurung Country. This report is the first of its kind for the Central Highlands area and has been released to support the Phase 2 of the Eminent Panel process, which is considering State Forests in the Central Highlands Regional Forest Agreement area. The report is also being shared to support community understanding. It articulates Taungurung’s long term view to heal and care for forest Country. This report contains significant cultural information and must be treated respectfully.
It is time to heal Country. The Cultural Land Management (CLM) Strategy outlines four key themes and six principles to be used to guide the work TLaWC does and enable the CLM Division to set objectives for knowledge healing and practice development, to activate Taungurung rights and interests. Guided by the CLM Strategy, we will work collaboratively with the State to achieve the structural, policy and legislative reforms required to enable Taungurung people to be leaders in healing and caring of Country – now and into the future.
Cultural Land Management Strategy – click here to view
One-page summary – click here to download
Program Strategic Plans:
- Cultural Water Strategic Plan
- Biocultural Diversity Strategic Plan
- Taungurung Parks Ranger Program Strategic Plan
- Cultural Landscapes Strategic Plan
– Private Land Acquisition and Management - Cultural Fire & Forest Strategic Plan