Taungurung Ancestors
Polly Wallambyne
Polly, a.k.a. Wallambyne, was born circa 1840. Polly and her family have a strong connection to central Victoria, particularly Mansfield, the place of Polly’s birth, and Coranderrk Aboriginal station.
Elizabeth Hylett/Murchison
Elizabeth Hylett was born circa 1857 near Murchison. Elizabeth married Alfred Davis, from the Loddon, at Coranderrk. Elizabeth was possibly also known as Lizzie Murchison.
William Hamilton
William Talgium Hamilton was born in the Kilmore region circa 1851. His parents were William Hamilton and Mary. William is recorded as having two sisters, Lilly and Jessie Hamilton. Jessie’s father was recorded as William Hamilton, squatter, while Lilly’s mother was recorded as ‘Mary Ligomunning’.
Billy Yabbee Hamilton
Billy Hamilton was born prior to 1839 and was identified as a ngurungaeta of the Nira-Balluk clan of the Taungurung. He lived in the area near Kilmore, including Doogalook Station, and the station owned by William Hamilton (Glenaroua). Billy had a wife, Sally, and six children.
Jessie Hamilton
Jessie Burnie Hamilton was born circa 1858 in the lower Goulburn River region. Jessie’s father is recorded as William Hamilton, squatter. Jessie was the sister of William and Lilly Hamilton.
Lilly Hamilton
Lilly Jerkunning Hamilton was born circa 1852 near Kilmore. Lilly’s marriage certificate records her birthplace as Sugar Loaf Station.
Lydia Beaton
Oral recordings of current day Taungurung people place Lydia Beaton as being born in ‘Devil’s Creek’ (the modern day Delatite River). Lydia’s daughter Sarah is recorded in a Coranderrk Cemetery list as belonging to the Goulburn Tribe.
Doctor Billy
Dr. Billy was born circa 1812. He was recorded at Acheron Station in 1861 with his wife Sarah, and then in 1863 at Coranderrk with Sarah. He was the ngurungaeta of the Yaran-illam clan of the Taungurung.
John Franklin
John Franklin was born in the Broadford area and lived with his family on pastoral stations in the Yea region. John had twelve children with his wife Harriet (nee Tull). All twelve children were born at or near Yea.
Tommy Bamfield
Tommy Bamfield was born in Benalla circa 1844. Tommy’s father was the leader of the Yeerun-illam-balluk clan of the Taungurung, a leadership role which Tommy performed after his father. At Coranderrk, Tommy acted in the role of leader for the people of Coranderrk and the Ovens River district.
Louisa Shepard
Louisa was born circa 1849 in the lower Goulburn River region. Louisa’s parents were Eliza and Sherbourne Sheppard, a squatter. Sherbourne Sheppard owned land northeast of Shepparton and was a member of the Board for the Protection of Aborigines from 1876-1884. Louisa and her family lived on the Coranderrk Aboriginal station, and later generations lived at Lake Tyers Aboriginal station.