Taungurung Sample Lesson

Request form for Taungurung Language names and translations

The Taungurung Language Reference Group is dedicated to the revival and preservation of the Taungurung language through community engagement, research, language studies and commitment to supporting development of the wider community engagement with the Taungurung language.


The costs of language service are calculated on an hourly basis.  For small jobs (under an hour) this service is provided free of charge.  For larger jobs (over an hour), costs to cover staff researching expenses will be charged at $150/hour.

A quote will be provided for this work, including an estimate of the time involved in researching and translation.  It is difficult to calculate the precise amount of staff research time required, as needs vary depending on the complexity of the request (sometimes words and concepts do not exist directly), therefore quotes will be provided as an estimated range (eg $300-$450 for 2-3 hours work).

The quote will also outline the expected delivery timeframe, explaining the steps involved in the process, particularly in cases where there is no easy, direct translation and where linguistic experts and the Language Reference Group need to be involved.

Traditional Owner languages are considered intangible cultural heritage under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006. There may be restrictions and/or requirements for the use of language and the intellectual property of the word should be respected.

Please complete the form below, including detailed information about the service to be provided:

Main Contact(Required)

Address of property (if applicable)

Billing Details

By selecting the checkbox above, I hereby agree to abide by the Taungurung Land & Waters Council conditions for use of Taungurung language name and agree to use the language provided for the purpose stated in this application form only.

Taungurung Language App*

TLaWC Language Logos are subject to copyright. Please contact our office for details.

There is a free Taungurung language app available from the Appstore. This excellent learning resource provides the foundations of Taungurung language. It contains 194 professionally recorded audio entries with corresponding images and words.

This language app was created with support from VACL, Miromaa Aboriginal Language and Technology Centre, Buxton Primary School, and Taungurung Elder and language expert, Aunty Lee Healy.

*Please note, the app is only available for download on Apple devices.