F001 General Approval Form Name(Required)Email(Required)Directive(Required)FYIFor ApprovalRequires ActionIf form requires action, please detail:Authority Level for Approval(Required)CEOGeneral ManagerHealing Country ManagerBCH Operations ManagerOutline Approval Request(Required)Start date MM slash DD slash YYYY End date MM slash DD slash YYYY Importance Level of Request(Required) Low Medium High Is this request related to an expense or income stream?(Required) Expense Income Stream Neither Is this a budget-related expense?(Required) Yes No Is this a project-related expense?(Required) Yes No Project Value(Required)$0-5k$5-10k$10-50k$50k+Please outline any further financial considerations or concerns(Required)Advantages of Project(Required)Site Specific Considerations(Required) LUAA Considerations Cultural Heritage Implications Rare/Threatened/Endangered Flora or Fauna Considerations OHS Risks Other (detail below) N/A Please elaborate on site specific considerations (if applicable)Using the HSE Risk Matric Table below, please calculate the likelihood of risk prior to implementing a management strategy (if applicable)Using the HSE Risk Matric Table below, please calculate the likelihood of risk prior to implementing a management strategy (if applicable)Using the HSE Risk Matrix Table, please calculate the likelihood of risk after implementing a management strategy, and detail the management strategy (if applicable)Does this project align with TLaWC's Strategic Plan?(Required) Yes No Does this project align with Biik CLM's Strategic Plan?(Required) Yes No